Faster Way to Fat Loss After Three Weeks

I’m now halfway through my six week Faster Way to Fat Loss journey. If you haven’t heard of the program (which I hadn’t until a month ago!), it’s a nutrition, exercise, wellness program that has really and truly changed my life in three short weeks. I eat delicious, real food every day. Some days I focus on eating healthy fats and lower carbs, but on other days I eat lots of healthy carbs like fruits and sweet potatoes. And I feel amazing!

I’ve done my fair share of “diets”. I’ve also tried to change my eating habits on my own. I mean, at this point, we all know that the best way to lose weight and feel healthy is to eat real foods and move more, right? But it’s so hard to do!

FWTFL makes it easy though. I can’t really put my finger on what makes it so effective because it’s all of the components working together. It’s the good food. It’s the fact that you are constantly changing the foods you eat so you don’t get bored. It’s the accountability group and camaraderie with the other ladies in the group. It’s that I still get a cheat treat once a week. It’s that I’ve found how I can incorporate healthy sweet treats into my life in moderation. It’s the workouts that I can do at home that take a max of 30 minutes. And, honestly, I could keep going on.

If you’ve stopped by hoping to see how many pounds I’ve lost so far, I can’t help you there. I’m not weighing myself until the end of the six weeks. But I can tell you that I’ve lost 4-5 inches off my waist so far. And that I put on a shirt yesterday that a month ago looked awful on me, but I feel good in it now.

Do you want to know what the craziest part of it all is? I didn’t quite expect any results during this six week period. I’ve dealt with thyroid issues for the last two years and losing weight has been almost impossible. But it’s working! And there are other women in my group who have said they had thyroid issues too and they are fitting into their clothes again and feeling great!

The first question people ask me is, “How much does it cost?” It’s $200. I’m not sure if that seems like a lot of money or not, but I know people who spend that much on a visit to the hair salon or on one outfit. This is an investment that will have lasting affects on your health. Think of the prescriptions you can come off if you get your body healthy! Think of the self-confidence you’ll have when you feel those clothes getting looser.

I’m always happy to answer questions! If you are interested in signing up for, my next class, go here!!

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