My FASTer Way to Fat Loss Testimonial

For the first time in a long time, I don’t have a New Year’s resolution that revolves around health/losing weight. Normally, it’s at the top of my list EVERY single year. It’s been an ongoing battle most of my adult life. But this time last year, I felt helpless. I felt like I had tried all the things and they may work for a month or three, but eventually I get bored or defeated and go back to my old ways.

So I prayed. I prayed and asked God to please show me some way that I could live and eat and enjoy life and not have regrets and not have every single NYE resolution revolve around me losing weight. And then my friend Becca told me about FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I looked at the website, looking for an excuse to say no.

  • Whole Food Nutrition: Check
  • Safe for Breastfeeding Moms: Check
  • At Home Exercises that Were Manageable: Check
  • Gluten and Dairy Free (I’d seen a nutritionist that told me I needed to cut these out): Check
  • Moderation and Not Deprivation: Check

There was one thing that concerned me. I’d be in a private Facebook group with my coach and the other participants. There was accountability. That meant I had to put my money where my mouth was (no pun intended right there). There was no giving up after three weeks (not that I’d want to…three weeks in I realized I really loved this new way of living). If the accountability is holding you back too, let me tell you, it’s the best thing that ever happened to my health. Going through the program with other ladies that were making these same life changes helped me SO much!

Really and truly, I love this lifestyle. I never feel deprived. I feel better than I have in years. I lost weight and KEPT it off. For the first time, I’m not making a resolution about my weight and health because I’ve finally figured out how to live a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t make me miserable!

I’d love to help you change your health and story too! I’d love for this to be the last year you make a resolution about your health!

You can sign up for my next six week round HERE! You will have the best time getting healthy!

faster way to fat loss results
My Own Personal Results!

About The Author
