My Husband Quit His Job!

I was a new Christian and I started reading a book by Francis Chan called Crazy Love. I may be a little off on my facts because it’s been awhile, but Chan describes a moment in his life where he realized the top check he should write each month was his tithe. So he sold his house and purchased a cheaper home so his mortgage wouldn’t be his largest check he wrote each month. I put the book down after that chapter. I felt uncomfortable. I wasn’t anywhere near that kind of crazy love in my new walk with Christ.

So, if our big announcement makes you a little uncomfortable and you sorta want to run away, I get it. It makes me uncomfortable most days. Benjamin quit his six-figure-a-year income job last week. I don’t throw that number in to brag (because we ain’t bringing that kinda number in now! lol), but to share how drastic of a leap this is for our family.

Benjamin was at the top of his game. He was a manager for a store that he had been running for several years. But he worked long, sometime unpredictable hours, and his company had recently began to open up their doors on Sundays. But, really-and most importantly- he had lost all his joy for the job. When he came to me at the beginning of this year and told me he was planning on quitting sometime in 2020, I was 100% on board. We would be able to put away enough money to start a new business for him.

It became clear, though, that God’s timeline was a little different from our own logical one. Benjamin put his notice in July and his last day was August 23rd. As the date came closer, I would ask Benjamin what kind of business was he going to start. Did he feel pulled in any sort of direction? He didn’t.

I want to pause here and say that Benjamin is a worker. He takes providing for his family very seriously. He doesn’t do well with sitting around idly. He didn’t like the silence he was receiving from God when he prayed and asked what he should do next.

I was praying too. I’m a bit of a control freak and I’m going to be real and say that I like knowing where and how much money is coming in. But both of us were receiving the same message from God. We were supposed to trust Him. Does He not promise in the Bible to take care of us? The Griers (that’s us) are tithers and givers. Does He not promise that He will throw open the storehouses and give us every blessing, if that’s His wish? And while, that may not be money, we will be blessed with the things we need.

Why is trusting Him so hard? As Christians, if we truly believe He is the creator of all, if He tells us to take a next step, why do we hesitate? As I have prayed these last few weeks, God over and over spoke to me saying, “Sharlie, you have no idea what I’ve got planned next.” And I just have to rest in those words. And I have to do it every single day because every single day, doubt and worry have the tendency to come rolling in.

I know some of you may think this is crazy and unresponsible. I totally get that. But I believe God is going to do something really amazing through our obedience. I have no idea what, but I’m excited. And we’ll be sharing it with y’all.

As Benjamin has been home with us more these last couple of weeks, using up his vacation time, I can tell you that this moment we are in feels right. We have total peace that we are in God’s will. I will be keeping you updated here on our blog AND we have started our own YouTube channel to document this journey. We’d love for you to check it out and subscribe! Seriously, the biggest thing you can do to help us out is subscribe to our YouTube channel! Thank you so much for your support and prayers.

Until next time. From my porch to yours,


About The Author


10 responses to “My Husband Quit His Job!”

  1. Praying for God’s path and will! HE knows all! Blessings to you and your family! ❤️🙏

    • Thank you so much, Pam! You have been such a sweet voice of encouragement to me and I appreciate you so much!!

  2. This is amazing and I can relate to Benjamin job situation. I pray that God works through you to be a model for others. Cant wait to watch the journey.