The First Ramblin’

Y’all, I’ve had my share of blogs. Four, I think. This one makes number five. I think this one may be different, though. Because this blog is just about me. Well, me and five other people. Five for now. We are in the process of becoming a foster family so number six will arrive someday. (We’ve procrastinated a lot.)

Lots of info to process right there. My name is Sharlie. I’m married to a great guy named Benjamin. We have four kids. Girl (10), Boy (6), Boy (4), and Girl (2). And we are getting licensed to foster.

I’ve blogged about being a new mom. About being a housewife. About being a homeschooler. And, finally, about being a mom on a journey to feed her family healthy food. And I’ve gotten bored with every single one of them. I’ve loved the process. But I got bored with the content.

So this blog isn’t about anything specific. And while I think that’s taboo in this blogging world, I just don’t care. This blog is my front porch. And you’re invited to come sit along me, comment when you want…or just listen. Stop by every day or just when you can. It’s the front porch, right?

This life is hard. I remember growing up on my grandparents’ farm and life just seemed easy. I don’t know if it’s because I was a kid (probably had something to do with it) or if it was just a different time, but I can remember people always coming and going from that farmhouse. There was rambling galore going on. And I miss it.

If I could sum up this blog in a real quick sentence…um, okay maybe not a sentence. I think many of us grew up with a certain something that’s lacking now and we miss it. We grew up around homemade cobbler, but we aren’t comfortable with making it. We remember this idea of just showing up at each other’s homes for playdates, but there’s no way that would happen now. I yearn for that front porch sitting, but I have no clue how to make that happen in this world today.

So, I’m inviting you to sit with me. I’m trying to figure out this life, how to mix the new with old, and I bet you are too.

About The Author
