Weekly Wrap Up on the Farm: It’s a…

I can’t tell you how much I look forward to sitting down and writing these weekly wrap ups. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit and for loving this family of mine. We love you back!

This week has been pretty eventful. We started it off with a bang with our gender reveal. In case you missed it, you can see the actual gender reveal here (no one had any clue if it would be pink or blue…true surprise!!). But if you just want to stay put, I’ll let you in on the surprise…it’s a boy!! The boys are, of course, super excited that they’ll no longer be outnumbered! lol

It’s a Boy!!
Photography by: Cassie McMahan Photography

It’s funny because, for awhile, I felt like a boy mom because we had one girl and then two boys. My life was full of lots of trains and cars for a season. And then came Eleanor and Margaret and it’s been dolls and pink dresses. It’s been almost seven years since we’ve had a baby boy in the house. But I’m so excited! I really had no preference over boy or girl, but I’m definitely looking forward to some sweet mama boy cuddles soon!

We’ve also had the opportunity to work on some projects here in the house. We put together a gallery wall on our staircase, which you can check out here. We are also doing a little refresh on our powder bath room. A fresh coat of paint went up, some new hardware, something different for the walls, and some new flooring. I can’t wait to do the reveal on that soon.

I also had the opportunity to be apart of Vintage Pickin’ in Greenville, SC over the weekend! I was able to meet old IG friends I’ve made and make new friends too. I can be a bit of an introvert, but I feel like I came out of my shell a bit and truly enjoyed myself. Maybe I’m not as much of an introvert as I thought! lol

The other fun part was the shopping at Vintage Pickin! I have been to a few vintage type markets and this one blew me away because every single booth was legit. There were no junky booths. You didn’t walk away thinking, “Well, out of those forty vendors, five of them were really good!” They were ALL amazing with true vintage items. I’m not going to lie, some pieces were a bit pricey, but then again…you are paying them for the fact that they search out the good stuff. It made me want to really get out there and go pickin’ and find some of these goodies myself! 🙂

I did buy some items from Vintage Pickin’ and I’ll be sharing those in Tuesday’s Thrifty Finds post. One awesome thing that came from my weekend at VP is I had a lightbulb moment on my drive home that I can’t wait to share with you soon. Just to let you know, my IG stories are where I normally share those type of things first. I’d love for you to join me over there and by one of my BFFs! You can find me at @thefrontporchfarmhouse!

Some of the best ladies you’ll meet on Instagram! That’s me, top left.
One of the gorgeous booths. Sadly, none of this came home with me. lo
I absolutely loved this table.
Got to meet my IG friend, Misty!

This week has had some challenges, particularly surrounding this faith journey we are on. We are at the point where we don’t see financially how Benjamin can stay at home much longer…unless God does something BIG. Which He is totally capable of, but doubt and worry creep in each day and it’s a fight to remember that God called us to this journey. We knew there would be moments like this going in, but it’s still hard. I find myself turning to my Bible more often for guidance…for reassurance. And isn’t that awesome?!? Isn’t that exactly what God wants when He calls us to uncomfortable places? He wants us to lean on Him. He wants us to search Him out. He wants us to just trust Him.

I hope y’all have a great week! Until next time, from my porch to yours!



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